Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Don't Freak

But this entry is going to be a tad different.

As Spring approaches I thought I would share some interesting links. As Pagans, so often we are automatically labelled as "dirt loving tree huggers" LOL, though for many of us that isn't quite accurate, just as not all Pagans are Green Party or Libertarian.

On another list we were discussing the costs of organic farming. Now, while the scientific debate over how fast we are losing top soil due to pesticide and fertilizer is raging, and with little consenus, there are ways that organic food can be affordable.

The number one key to buying organic, is to make sure you are supporting local organic farmers and ranches. Because then there is little transportation costs. I'm not saying you can't have the more expensive produce, just remmeber, that you are paying more becuase it had to be shipped X number of miles, not JUST because it is organic.

So, every summer, there is a local organic farm, and for 15 dollars my partner rides around on the 'hay ride'. The 'hay ride' takes a little over 2 hours, because it stops for 10-15 minutes at every field, and at every field he gets two bags to fill with whatever produce is grown in that field. There is usually anywhere from 10-15 different fields. He comes home with bags of corn, squash, tomatoes, lettuce, greens, different fruits and veggies, all, for 15 bucks.

Yeah, organic farmins is SOOOOOOO expensive, not.

There are other ways to do this, one local Farmers Market, offers the chance to pre-purchase a weekly basket (35-45 bucks a basket) overflowing with fruits and veggies. (size would be one of those 1/2 bushel basket, you don't get to keep the basket, but you do bring it home, then return it for exchange on your next basket).

Of course, there is always the Markets, they are a little pricier, and you do need to shop around to find the good ones.

Or, find a local CSA Farm, CSA's, community supported agriculture. They offer "plans" which differ, one of our farms offers a "share" in the farm, for a family of 4, it is 600 a year, and you get a basket a week from March through October. This particular farm also offers the choice, you can pay less, if you agree to come out and work 8 hours a week durning harvesting season. (and yes, they have jobs for those of us who can't be too physical). They offer 1/2 shares for smaller families as well.

So, here are several links to get everyone going, eat healthy and save money.

Farms, Markets, etc

Nutrition information sheets


Enjoy your summer and Happy Ostara

Thursday, March 15, 2007


So, over at Sapphoq's radical blog, she's ranting and raving.

Apparently she was under the impression that she and ERF could run willy nilly all over the Net, post folks contact info, names, etc, and no one would say a word. **snicker**

Then she "claims" to have said nothing to no one, but that isn't quite true, is it Spike Q? Did you really honestly believe that your different socks would go unnoticed or untraced? You're not that good.

I'm guessing, that because she hasn't emailed under Sapphoq/Spike Q that we're supposed to leave her blogging site alone. Wrong again!

Also, it seems she has missed the fact that no one is following them around. Oh don't get me wrong, that doesn't mean folk don't pay attention at the numerous little teen yahoo groups they are joining, and trying to recruit folk into their witch war, we just have chosen to not participate in it any longer. After all, they've both shown that converstaion with either one of them is futile, they're only interest is in riling folk up, and creating their own brand of pagan fundamentalism.

Oh, and unlike ERF and Spike, my comments are NOT moderated. Unlike the two of you I'm not afraid of anything you have to say.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Proof that ERF and Merlin are the same

It never fails to amuse me, give them enough time, and they will hang themselves.

ERF is Merlin, as posted by himself in a new Yahoo teen group he's joined, err, trolling. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/teenbookofshadows/message/5630

"This is a warning to all Pagans, and Withes a like. When faced with
these people, do not back down. Remain strong in your faith. Do not
let them bring fear into your heart. Hold onto the God, and Goddess.
If you need help with these people please email me at:
Me, along with other Witches are banning together to stop these
people. We are not alone anymore."

What a dumbass, but whatever. He obviously is bored, no one wants to debate with him anymore, because he has proven again and again that he has no desire to change and grow.

But, I must be honest here, I truly feel fear and trepidation for the teens whom he may come in contact with.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Really now

You are just so special. Not to long ago, you and your buddy asked several "bunny hunters" who died and made them the pagan police. LMAO and now your the what? the Witch police police? hehehehe I find the whole thing vastly amusing, and please note, this is my only blog in which I comment on this trend. So, I've gotta ask;


ERF blogs:








ERF and Sapphoq



This one is ERF, Sapphoq, LIA, Frog Hippy and Blue Space Goddess, and someone called Dog.

This one is owned by two socks, ifindpeace and MerlyntheGreat IMHO, ERF and Sapphoq

Sapphoq, follow the links to her numerous blogs, it's nuts.

These two blogs come back 404 not found.



Saturday, March 3, 2007

Why I keep getting called names

Apparently my snarking has caused a counter movement. Now, I personally find this vastly amusing, that anyone would create a counter movement because of my snarking is absolutely hilarious, and quite silly.

so, I'll say it again, because they seem to have missed it the first dozen or so times:

My beef with ERF is simple, he still insists that he has the right to teach teens. That teens should keep secrets from their parents, and if their parents do not approve of paganism, then they should LIE to them.

I'm a Mom first and a Witch second, and I am here to tell you, as a Mom,

FUCK YOU and the horse you rode in one.

Actually as a Witch with ethics, I'd still have the same thing to say to you.

No one has the right to teach my children jack diddly squat behind my back.

No one has the right to tell my children it is okay to keep secrets from me.

No one has the right to tell my children it is okay to lie to me.

And that goes for anyone else's children as well.

Now, if anyone happens to be interested in an excellent article on Religious Instruction and Teens, go here: http://ravanoid.blogspot.com/2007/02/religious-instruction-and-teens.html

But, if what you really want is to keep teaching your brand of bullshit, without parental permission, then as a Mother and as a Priestess to the Mother Goddess, I'm here to get in your face, every day, every way. Get used to it. Because I will not quit until you change your behavior.

Got it? Good!

Friday, March 2, 2007

12stepBunny Recovery

Amazing, and it gives me hope for the future of pagan communities.

That's right it's a recovery group just for YOU!

Join now, and learn how to recover from SRW.



The 12 steps to Fluffy bunny recovery

1. We admitted that we are powerless over our fluffieness. That our lives have become annoying to ourselves and others

2. We came to belive in a power greater than ourselves that could save us from Fluffieness ( and it is not Silver Ravenwolf )
3. We made a decision to turn our lives over to the care of the GOD and the GODDESS as we undertand them, even if we are not to sure who this god guy is ( was he in any of the books)

4. We made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves, and our bookshelves

5. We admitted to the God and the Goddess, to ourselves, and to another human being that we are fluffy and we annoy people

6. We are entirely ready to have the God and the Goddess remove these defects of character.

7.We humbly asked them to remove these short comings, and most of our books.

8. We made a list of all the persons we annoyed by telling them they were wrong and became willing to listen to there points of view.

9. We made direct amends to such people whenever possible, except when to do so would annoy them or others.

10. We continued to listen to other peoples facts and opinons, and when they were right promptly admitted it.

11. We sought through prayer and meditation to actually participate in a religion. Even if it did not have cool jewelry, or piss off our family. We did so even when it was much easier to say we were witches without being witches

12.Having had a spiritual awakening as a result of these steps, we will try to carry this message to other Fluffy Bunnies, and practice these principles in all our affairs.

**snort** Yeah right, ERF and Sapphoq

So, over at the bunnytrail, http://thebunnytrail.net/?page_id=13 , ERF and Sapphoq have created two new trolls, MerlyntheGreat and ifindpeace, like they're stupid and cannot do an ip trace, or figure out from your idiotic language and writing style, see spelling errors below.

Well it ain't rocket science. You two start blogs like most people change their underwear, oh wait, that would be the freaking understatement of the year, no one changes their underwear THAT often.

Starting a blog to defend yourself, under a sockpuppet, and expecting people to actually believe you is just sheer idiocy.


Their new moronic blog:


A few words to the wise, it's "sole" not "soul" and "know" not "now". There's more, but thought this would show that you two haven't learned jack shit. You're both still idiots, and still snark worthy.

If it wasn't so infantile, it would almost be funny, as it stands, they're just pathetic.

Edit: **snicker** it just occurred to me, shades of The Matrix, so are we to infer that ERF is "The One" hehehehe